
There is a new way!

... where you discover that you are completely whole and have everything you need

Foto: Philip Frising

Did you know that you have everything you need to experience peace of mind and feel good no matter what is going on in your life?

 – Neither did I until a few years ago. This has changed my life on all levels, from the inside out, through an understanding of how our experiences are created. This understanding can be shared. That’s what I work with via conversations. As your understanding increases, you will gain insights in and about your specific life. Just like I got about my life. The understanding has the same origin, but the insights you get come from within you and are unique to you. We do not have to get the same kind of insights or guidance but they lead to the same thing; peace of mind and joy. Is not that what everyone is looking for?
 – I have however sought it all the years and in many places and in many therapies. Of course, I have learned a lot, as we have an innate ability for insight. Our psychological system works whether we understand it or not. What I found with this understanding is that it happened fast. I got some small and some big insights pretty quickly. I can not promise that it will happen in exactly the same way for you. But hundreds of thousands of people around the world are witnessing the changes they have had by looking in the direction of this understanding.

Hannah Meyer Sjöblom

Hannah Meyer Sjöblom 

”Everyone in this world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our own misguided personal thoughts”
The Missing Link, Sydney Banks

Podcasts with Hannah Meyer Sjöblom

Human Change med Daniel Magnusson

88: Att Hitta Hem! med Hannah Meyer Sjöblom

Interview with Hannah Meyer Sjöblom on The Three Principles

Interview with Hannah Meyer Sjöblom on The Three Principles, Self Love and Relationship by Karan Detani.

Joyful Life Project Hannah Meyer Sjöblom (10 min)

Explore what it means to me to live a joyful life.

Bortom Bruset

S1E25: Relationer; en blandning av EGO och visdom

“I loved listening to you sharing your understanding of the principles! You are a heartfelt teacher!! Your sharing will help so many people!!” 

-Dr. Dicken Bettinger, educator and licensed psychologist

“The three principles help me a lot, they give me hope that I can be happy and okay even if things don’t turn out like I imagined. I’m so incredibly grateful that I happened to find a  therapist who is in touch with her inner wisdom and spirituality when I didn’t even know that was what I needed.”

-Saga, client

“The realization that everything is ok at this very moment gives a calmness that makes it easier to make good choices for the future and stop dwelling on the past.

The fact that the three principles are about insights and not  about doing something (not even about meditating 5 minutes a day), means that they are easy to carry with you in everyday life and that you don’t stop when motivation drops. New insights keep coming when you least expect it.

Thank you Hannah, for sharing the three principles!”

-Rebecka, web developer, learned about the three principles through Hannah in building this website


New book out!

In this wonderful book about Kindness, I share my view on what kindness is. And what helped me see kindness in all people. It is a lovely book, could it be a better theme in this time? 

Send an email to to make an order.

Read my latest article

The Wave-Ness in Life

Who am I? Am I the wave in the storm or am I the ocean? I thought I was the wave, now I know I am both.

Do I want to be the wave? Not always…

Published in –
Less Stress More Success

The 2023 Conference about The Three Principles

Hannah was a speaker at the annual Three Principles conference in june 2023. 

Three Principles | 3puk Conference


Addaway is in cooperation with Nova Health Support