About Addaway
Addaway is for you who have a desire for a change in life. It could be in a part of your life or a desire for a whole new direction of life.

About me
My name is Hannah Meyer Sjoeblom and I work today with transformative conversations, I am also a trained teacher in Swedish and English grades 1-9 and worked with this for 16 years. The last 9 years with students with special needs. There I had the opportunity to meet these students “one to one” who have not been seen and understood in today’s school system. I began to feel that I wanted to do something other than for ex. talk about Famous authors with them. I wanted to help the students with their well-being. Many of them came from so-called dysfunctional family systems and so did I, so maybe I cared a little extra for them and to find a solution. I started studying Addiktologi (the teaching of bounds/attachments to things, persons and situations) at Fria Universitetet i Norden where I became a certified addiction and co-dependence therapist after 3 years. I then took further education in methods for trauma work, dream therapy and gestalt therapy.
I myself have had many and different therapy sessions and had sought answers to my low self-esteem and my bad mood and my patterns in relationships. I have received help from gestalt therapy, 12-step programs and EMDR…
Because over time I had seen my own dysfunctional patterns in love relationships and wanted to have a change, I worked with this in a 12-step program. Became free from acting on those patterns and has been so for 10 years. I increased my well-being a lot and became and am grateful for that.
I wanted to share that there was a way to get out of destructive relationship patterns so I took further education in the US and become a CSAT – Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, via IITAP. Was involved in starting up a treatment for women with sex and love addiction at a private clinic but also later at Beroendecentrum in 2019 (”the swedish NHS”). I found great satisfaction in working with people waking up to their inner self and seeing themselves as worthy and had changes as a result.
As I said, I had a good life, but what continued to haunt me at times was my mood, especially regarding worrying and insecurity. The worrying could, as it felt, creep in and around an area in life and this in itself worried me that I would end up in depression (which I had previously had on two occasions in life) or that I was “sicker” than I self understood.
In the end of 2018, I had received a podcast by email from a future colleague. It was with an American psychiatrist named William Pettit. Because I felt that this future colleague was a role model for well-being, I started listening in january 2019. The first section was called: “There is only one mental illness – chronic mental stress”. I can not describe in words what happened. I kind of “heard” something beyond the words and sometimes cried because I was touched and felt that “this feels true, this is how it is”. He had understood something about human well-being. So I listened to all 12 episodes and tears came from time to time in each episode and my own mood from just listening to this was raised. I was sort of reminded of something that was true and was in me, an innate well-being. Here my journey began with The Three Principles because it was the understanding of these that this man had with him in his work with his clients/patients and he had such stories to tell. People who came to him and thought they were injured/broken for life but who saw something new and had their lives changed, a man who had lived with severe schizophrenia who “woke up” to himself after 40 years.
I continued to follow this psychiatrist, William Pettit, on Youtube and via courses, and still do today. I after the podcast I found Sydney Banks who was the man who uncovered The Three Principles and who began to put it into words having uncovered them using the description of principles.
Just listening to Sydney Banks and reading his short novel books made great changes in my life. I gained both small and large insights that made things that were never true fall away, ex. perceptions I gained about myself through interpretations of events from when I was a child, or something I myself had done and instead got the truth that created such freedom in me. And when I gained in particular one insight, for example, 80% of my anxious thoughts disappeared.
I still continue today and uncover this understanding for myself and there is an infinite amount of richness to see and foremost realize.
After receiving such a transformation from this understanding, I wanted to start working with clients based on this and share it. So I have since then. I have taken countless courses and today have continuous guidance and supervision from two lovely teachers, Dicken Bettinger and Christine Heath, who themselves was one of the firsts students and received guidance in this understanding from Sydney Banks. Om

”Throughout time, human beings have experienced insights that spontaneously and completely changed their behaviour and their lives, bringing them happiness they previously had thought impossible”
The Missing Link, Sydney Banks

- The Three Principles – studied The three principles and transformative conversations
- Certifierad Sex (and love) Addiction Therapist, CSAT via IITAP (International Institute of Trauma and Addiction professionals) in the USA 2017-2018. Read more at www.iitap.com and www.sexhelp.com
– Patric Carnes task-centered, competency-based approach to treatment (with data) http://www.iitap.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ARTICLE_Task-Centered-Competency-Based-Approach-to-Treatment_PCarnes .pdf
- Trained addiction therapist, ”Addiktologi” – the teachings of attachments/bounds, via Fria Universitet i Norden 2011-2014.
-The 12-step method (recommended by the Social Services in Sweden)
-The Minnesota model (with lectures)
- Further trained in gestalt therapy, trauma work and dream therapy via Fria Universitet i Norden 2014-2016.
- Supervisor in the process of grief via Svenska Institutet för sorgbearbetning www.sorg.se
- MI Motivational Interviewing
- The processes of forgiveness –Forgiveness of yourself and Forgiveness of others by Barbro Holm Ivarsson, www.barbroivarsson.se
- Relapse prevention via Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm
- Gambling addiction via Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm
- Smoking and snuff cessation
- Simpler hypnosis

- Has Dicken Bettinger as a mentor: https://theprinciplesinstitute.com/about-dicken-bettinger/
- Christine Heath as supervisor. Clinical director: https://www.hawaiicounselingandeducationcenter.com/
- Previously had Jan Chipman http://www.vantageconsult.com/about-us/
- Have had Supervision with Monica Meyer, IITAP Supervisor, regarding sex and love addiction, read more about her here http://www.linkedin.com/in/monica-meyer-ph-d-15b7b02b

Welcome to connect with me so I can tell you more.
I am looking forward to following you on this new path!